A strong desire to use my creativity towards being socially responsible, fueled my efforts towards this collection which ventures practical solutions for implementing sustainable and ethical garment development. Investigating the unique relationship of emotional value and recycling, this collection brings to light the fascinating process of sentimental repurposing. Manipulating old fabric surfaces that use the mirrorwork technique- a popular decorative embroidery technique in India, and exploring its value in my country’s unique historical and cultural lineage, I have designed a collection that pays heed to this unique labor intensive yet declining handicraft.
The primary research therefore extensively delves into my observation of ‘mirrorwork’ in the cushion covers which were present in my home while I was growing up. It also contextualizes its broader significance in the interior design of several Indian homes. Learning the traditional complexity of the hand work and then devising appropriate garment restoration and reinforcement techniques was an integral part of this process. The collection uses material embellished with the mirror work technique from the very same cushion covers from my home. Though repurposed into a wearable clothing line, the intention was to retain the essence of the interiors of Indian houses and reflect it through the silhouette and from of the garments. The presentation of this collection is aligned with the intention of the designs and is juxtaposed across the pages of a thrifted book featuring New York interiors and attributes, accentuating cultural heritage through
materiality in a nuanced and unexpected way.